I’m Not Afraid-By Lee Ann Mancini

Y’all. This has got to be one of the best children’s books I’ve read in this review program so far! It is called I’m Not Afraid, by Lee Ann Mancini. ISBN-13#: 978-0-9863-6043-5

Here is a brief description from bookcrash.com, and a picture of the cover:

Description: I’m Not Afraid is the third book in the Adventure of The Sea Kids series. Two friends go to the amusement park and one is afraid to ride the rides. She gives excuse after excuse until she prays to Jesus. She learns that Jesus can turn her fears into faith and she rides all the rides! A tale of friendship and acceptance. Award-winning series, promoting strong, foundaAfraidtion in Christ!







My Review:

This precious children’s book is about a shark named Susie, and her octopus friend named Rachel. The friends are spending the day at the Undersea Amusement Park. Rachel is desperately wanting to ride the Whale-Back roller coaster, but Susie is hesitant. Rachel asks her friend if she is afraid, and Susie responds, “Oh no! No, not me! Sharks are brave. I’m not afraid of anything.” Susie is indeed scared. Susie uses several excuses and detours to prevent riding the Whale-Back roller coaster with Rachel. Susie finally calls her mom. Susie’s mom reassures her that its okay to be scared, that everyone is scared sometimes. Susie’s mom then gives the best advice of all. She tells Susie to pray and ask Jesus to help her not be afraid when she rides the rides. Susie is still nervous at first, but she prayed, and Jesus took all her fears away! Susie loved the roller coaster, and even rode again! The friends went on to ride other rides, and even visited a waterpark!

I’m Not Afraid is a phenomenal children’s book! The story was amazing! I love the plot, and the meaning behind the story! We can always pray, and especially when we are afraid! I love the lesson this book teaches our children. As an adult, I also can take this lesson with me. Instead of facing my fears alone, I can rely on the One who goes with me, and before me, to comfort me and keep me safe.

The pictures are very colorful and eye-catching. This is one of the first things I noticed. This book is inspiring. I would/am recommending it to you all, AND everyone I know personally! I give it a 5/5 stars! If you would like to purchase a copy of this lovely book, you can do so here!


Disclosure of Material: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through the BookCrash.com book review program, which requires an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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